Sunday, January 27, 2008

big girl shoes

riley has two new pairs of shoes. the first are her uggs from cousin kimberly.

the other new pair is her bright white stride rites from nana and grandpa plante. she is still a little wobbly in the stride rites as she has never had a hard sole before, but she's learning quickly that she can be even more destructive with a protected foot.

she is a size 4.5 medium. she has been measured twice now, once at nordstroms and once at yorker shoes. actually, she was also measured at jc penney's. we'll see what size she is next week.

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1 comment:

Owen said...

The first time we put hard soled (also Stride Rite!) shoes on O he threw a major fit. In fact, at the store he had a total laying-on-the-floor tantrum. It was awesome. He was all "Aaaaah!! I can't walk!! I'm paralyzed!"

Then all of a sudden he was totally fine, like nothing was wrong at all. I think because Brian showed him that he could stomp loudly in his new shoes.

But I miss the Robeez though. Loved them! And I had just bought him two pair for Christmas!