Thursday, July 17, 2008

2nd Cousins?

Here are the second cousins. Or are they first cousins once removed? They all share great grandparents.

You may not believe that this is the best picture I could get, but it was. There were many attempts. At one point, everyone was set up on a bench (I know, I know--bad choice), and two tumbled to the ground with many tears but no injuries.

During this photo shoot, Angelica, it appears, has stranger anxiety. She's 14 months old. Christian was in protest, hiding his face. Kelly (center) was a superstar and could not understand why these other kids wouldn't pose for the picture. Ava (back row) kept trying to attack Christian, her big brother. Chase kept trying to scoot away while yelling, "Mama!"--he's remarkably fast. And after about 30 seconds, Riley just laid down on the blanket across everyone and refused to move.

That sort of summarizes my life right now, too!
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