Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Update for Daddy

Matt's taking a course in Maine for the next two weeks, and so here is the daily update for him . . .
7am: Riley woke up. She sleeps in when Matt's alarm doesn't go off at 5am!
7-8:30am: I chased Riley around trying to convince her to eat and to get dressed for the day. The picture above is Riley still in her PJs.
9-10: Flutterby exhibit at the zoo. We also checked out the snake exhibit bc Riley is working on her "S" sound, and I thought this would be helpful.
11-5: Riley goes to daycare. Donnah works (feeling guilty bc she went in late).
6-7: Dinner, bath, and bedtime snuggle
Somewhere in there I called AAA to replace the battery in the car (not the new car) and I did some housework and laundry (there is a lot less laundry when Matt's not home). I tried to pull weeds, too, but Riley disagreed w that plan, and so the weeds are waiting for Matt's return.
8-now: Riley's sound asleep with five dollies in her crib tonight. I'm procrastinating finishing a paper for work . . .
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