Sunday, September 9, 2007


we had a completely busy day yesterday. in the morning, riley had her first swimming lesson. i missed the lesson because i was at lindsay's baby shower (for identical twins luke and cyrus), but don't worry--matt, both of his parents, and his sister all attended. i don't have pictures yet of the event, but i'm sure nana plante will be glad to share some soon.
then we trekked to boston for a bbq at cousin shari's house. riley had a bite of a hamburger, a cracker, and some gatorade--all for the first time. she was showered with attention by the ever-expanding family, too, as evidenced by the above pictures.
later that night, sean came over to watch the baseball game. you would've assumed that riley would be long asleep by then, but, no . . . she was quite the hostess, laughing and flirting even though the red sox disappointed her daddy and his buddy yet again.

ok, here is that elusive tooth. i hope you can see it. riley sort of has her tongue on it here. can you believe all of that fussing and biting and drooling for such a tiny thing??

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