Monday, August 13, 2007

ohio part 2

ok, so time keeps getting away from me. the rest of the ohio trip went too quickly. this is matt and i at elee and jason's rehearsal on august 3. it was so special to me to be back at case, where we all met originally, 15 years ago! this is taken on cwru campus, in front of amasa stone chapel (a massive stone? a mass of stone?). the rehearsal dinner was a traditional chinese banquet at our old stomping ground, li wah's. yum. i walked in the door and immediately felt my chinese half take over . . . i was even ready to sing karoake. li wah's surprised me with the new addition of bubble tea to the menu. imagine. bubble tea in ohio.

oh, and elee and jason were glowing, too.

i don't have a lot of pictures of the wedding, unfortunately. that's the cost of actually being in the wedding. there was no place to hold the camera in that bridesmaid dress! i'm actually lucky the thing fit at all. you'll have to take my word for it that the wedding was gorgeous and, i believe, exactly what elee and jay hoped it would be.

now my phone buddy is in hawaii for two weeks, and i've been driving matt crazy all week, asking him when elee will be back.
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