Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Look at how big the kids are!

Kid update: they now play together. Not always but a lot. And it's fantastic.

Riley is 4 now. She is 41 inches tall (80th percentile) and a mere 36 lbs (not even 20th percentile). JD is also a tall peanut, weighing about 26lbs. I can't remember how tall he is, but he has the same percentiles as his big sister.

Riley goes to preschool at Happy Hearts 3 days a week for 2.5 sweet hours. She tells me her favorite activities are singing and art projects, but I wonder if bossing other kids around is in her top 10 favorites, too. She also continues with ballet, sports gym, and swimming. Her amazing accomplishment this year is learning to read. She spends hours reading and practicing her printing. She's very determined.

JD, now 18 months, also loves books, but he is more excited about trucks, tractors, cherry pickers, drills, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. His other favorites include anything that Riley has or wants or does. His big milestone has been word explosion. His vocabulary astounds me: motorcycle, caterpillar, helicopter . . . but he is also now putting together short sentences and using pronouns! "I do it," "I want Riley juice," and "I poop, change me bum." His choice of conversation isn't always the most sophisticated. His activities now are library story hour, gym class, and Music Together.

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