Friday, December 28, 2007


riley is one. i can't believe it.

today was her real birthday, and tomorrow will be her big family party. we'll have our friend party in a few weeks. essentially, it's the month of riley (as if it hasn't been the year of riley).

today we had cake and presents with nana and grandpa plante. riley is still a tiny bit fussy from the ear infection, but she's much more herself . . .

. . . except when i tried to put her in her party dress. this is the famed dress that cousin kelly gave riley last year BEFORE SHE WAS BORN. it has been featured in her holiday card. i love it. today, riley disagrees. she kept pulling at the dress and crying.

well, that problem was easily remedied. riley was stripped down to her birthday suit (how appropriate!), and then she had a great time opening presents.

later we put her in her pajamas so that she would be warmer while she had her cake. riley is a superstar when it comes to eating sweets. she finished the entire piece of cake.

next came the "sugar high" . . .

and the day ended, as does every day, with riley having a warm bath, milk, and then bed. you'll note in this tubbie time picture that riley's hair is sticking out on the left. that is from a mixture of frosting and ear drops.

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