Sunday, October 28, 2007

ridiculous jacket

riley is TEN MONTHS OLD! yup.

here she is at ten months, modeling her corky's jacket. i bought this jacket directly from the factory in fall river, massachusetts. it was quite the experience--similar to a filene's basement sale except instead of crazed brides it was frantic, more savvy mommies. i waited in line for two hours for this jacket, so the only appropriate response is that it is the most incredible winter coat you've ever seen.

at ten months, riley is more independent every day. she has taken to screaming every time she is restrained in any way: car seat, changing table, high chair, my arms . . . but she is certainly more dextrous every day as well. she pulls herself to standing and then forgets to hold on, she crawls everywhere (including up stairs), she eats everything, she plays with her toys. she's taken to mimicking now, too, which is quite cute. she's working on "oh-oh" and "bababababa" (i think that may become dada, but i'm not sure). she waves and does "itsy bitsy spider" and claps and puts her arms over her head when you ask her how big she is.
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Anonymous said...

what the heck were you thinking when you bought this coat?

Anonymous said...

oh that was me, your sister that posted that comment. I'm sure it's cuter in person.