Tuesday, August 21, 2007


i couldn't get a picture of this (but i will . . .), but riley officially has a tooth. it was suspected for a few days that one was breaking through the bottom gum, and it was proven today when she drew blood breastfeeding. ouch!

she's a little late for her first tooth. (she'll be eight months in a week.) but after our feeding experience, i'm happy that this is one area in which she is delayed.

she also finally has that three-finger pincer grasp. she goes after those cheerios like a pro now, alternating hands, shoveling them in her mouth, but somehow she doesn't choke. she is a great eater now, which is surprising as she was never great with the bottle.

i'll update with pictures asap. asap now, however, has a whole new meaning.

ah, the joys of being a working mom. with an over-worked husband.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hee! Fortunately, I have only been bitten 3 or 4 times - for a few days right before O's 3rd tooth came though. Then he got over it, so hopefully it won't happen to you again (or too many more times)! I think its just a phase.