Sunday, September 21, 2008

Before We Decided to Eat Locally

This is a cute picture from earlier in the summer that I thought I'd blog. Of course, there is a McDonald's bag behind Riley (empty--but once full of French fries), and she hadn't quite figured out the Crocs and so she was falling a lot, and you can see that Riley is actually very tan despite my copious sunblock application. But she's happy as can be here, enjoying her first toddler summer!

Things that Riley learned this summer:
-Her name! and about 100 other words
-How to talk about herself (Riley do, Riley eat, Riley Riley Riley)
-That daddy's name is Matt
-How to jump
-How to do a forward roll
-How to color
-How to use the potty (she goes about 4 times per day! Unfortunately, that means that I've started to learn the joys of public restrooms with a toddler)
-How to string big beads
-Pretend play
-How to throw and kick balls
-The difference between big and small (everything is "baby!" these days)
-Occasionally she knows a color or two

How we've grown! Riley is almost 21 months.
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Cousin Chase

Chase and Riley would not pose for a picture, but here they are at Shari's party, debating this soccer ball.

Chase is only a couple of days older than Riley, and so it's always fun to see them together.
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Shari's Lobster Bake

Shari surprised the Lew family with a lobster bake last weekend! Here she is, giving a tutorial about lobster sex. Oh, of note, Shari is actually allergic to shellfish, and so this whole party was a completely selfless gift. A delicious, selfless gift.
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And, yes . . .

I did make the whole family squeeze into a swan boat to paddle around 2 feet of water for a half hour. Someday Riley will look back at all of this and be grateful, right?
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We're trying to make the most of these gorgeous fall days. We took Riley to the Roger Williams Carousel Park today. Riley picked out this horse and "Nay!"d the whole ride.
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Apple Picking

OK, so we've been apple picking 3 times already this year. I'm treating Jaswell's orchards like my backyard. Riley runs around and gets exercise, a little snack, and fresh air all for the cost of a few pounds of apples. I get apple cider and a pumpkin muffin. Everyone wins.

On this visit, the entire Plante family participated . . .

You can see in this picture that Grandpa John got ahold of an apple-pickin' pole (he's not great with it, but I could see potential if he practices), and Nana Kathy spent some time teaching Riley the nutritional benefits of eating the skin of the apple.

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Popo Babysitting

Popo Ellie has been spending a lot of time with us lately, and Riley LOVES it! She wakes up in the morning, yelling, "Popo! Popo!"
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Riley's NOT a Vegetarian . . .

. . . but lately the only meat she'll eat is bacon.
What can I do about this????
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Matt's Bday

Oh, it's been a long time since I've posted anything! Matt had a birthday in the beginning of the month. He celebrated by going to assorted New England sporting events. We had an ice cream cake for him at home, which Riley loved. She now says, "Happy!" whenever she sees a cake or a present or anything wrapped like a present.
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End of Summer . . .

We've been trying to eat locally. I'm reading Barbara Kingsolver's _Animal, Vegetable, Miracle_, and I'm inspired. Of course, it's easy to be inspired as fresh, local produce is available at a farm 10 miles from our house--and that farm makes delicious pies and pastries, too! Riley and I have been picking our fruit almost weekly.

This was the end of the blueberry season. Riley is a very gentle, very precious blueberry picker. She didn't get any stains on her clothes at all.

(I have to share, though, that boiling hot water gets out blueberry stains. I learned this from an Encyclopedia Brown book when I was in third grade, and I've tested it out many times on my own clothes.)
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