Sunday, February 24, 2008

nothing much to say

even though nothing exciting is going on here, i thought i'd post a pic of riley. she's modeling her new sweater. she doesn't seem happy about it here, but really she likes it. she might be angry at me in this picture bc we're about to go to target again.

riley is almost 14 months old. she spends most of her day walking around, rearranging the house. today she spent a half hour taking her dollies out of her crib, putting them in her high chair, and then putting them back into the crib. she has also shown me that she can follow commands--and likely when she doesn't, it is because she is ignoring me and not because she does not understand.

her favorite games include "hide and seek," any sort of chasing game, and "find the hidden elmo." she loves dancing and music, and her favorite books are interactive--flap books, etc. riley's personality develops more daily. she is happy, giggly, and good natured--until you cross her. then she is a screaming banshee.
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Saturday, February 23, 2008

STILL waiting

we're still waiting for nana and grandpa to get back from florida!

it snowed here--lots. today we had a picnic indoors. it started as a fort, but riley kept pulling down the blanket, so it turned into a picnic.

tomorrow popo ellie will be visiting and spoiling riley . . .
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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hello, Nana and Grandpa!

Nana and Grandpa are in Florida, and we promised that we would post lots of pictures of Riley. Here she is today, eating cookies on Matt's expensive massage chair.

She had a great day. We went to story time at the library, and Riley tried to take the book away the librarian as she was reading. During the free play portion, Riley crawled through tunnels and carried around a tamborine and rattle.

For dinner she ate homemade chicken nuggets and potato pancakes, and we all had hot chocolate (well, hot Ovaltine) for a treat. It was 17 degrees up here.

We hope you're having fun!
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

There's an Elmo on EVERY diaper!

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Brady's Big Birthday

we got all dressed up for brady's 2nd bday party this weekend! riley was very excited. brady's dad and riley's dad went to medical school together.

riley wore the party hat for about 20 seconds.

brady is so nice! he shared his toys with riley. brady is very good at sharing; he will soon be the middle child. he has an older sister and a new baby brother on the way . . .

riley had a great time!

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

first crayons

we're running out of "firsts"! riley has started scribbling. she holds the crayons in a fist, but she's getting the hang of it. our little picasso . . .

riley's latest trick is getting up at 4am. we do not have any pictures of this; i'm definitely not in the mood to take a snapshot at that early hour. anyone have any suggestions on how to convince her to sleep until, say, 5am?!?
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Sunday, February 10, 2008

love this picture

riley looks like such a big girl in this picture. i couldn't resist posting it. a year ago, riley couldn't ride in the carriage without her car seat because she was too small and couldn't hold up her head; now she gets her coat for me, helps me put it on (sometimes), and knows how to unbuckle the seatbelt in the carriage.
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grandpa's retirement party

Riley had a big day. Instead of getting ready for bed at 5:30pm, we dressed her in her new party dress and big girl party shoes (also Stride Rites). Then we bundled up and drove to Grandpa's surprise retirement party.

Riley was a good sport, even though she was exhausted. She lasted for almost an hour.

Then we drove home in the snow . . .
Riley fell asleep within 60 seconds of being the warm car.

Monday, February 4, 2008

where's the kitty?

can you find the kitty in the picture below?


do you want to try again?

riley got it again!
(she is an expert at locating cats. grover and billie can't escape her, no matter where they hide in the house . . .)

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the day the patriots ruined their perfect record

the day started out fine. matt worked in the morning, and then we took riley to the park. she tried out all the slides.

then she rode the swing. she wouldn't wear her gloves, i think because she wanted to hold on so tightly!

but as you all know, the evening did not end as well for those faithful new englanders. well, at least i can FINALLY put away riley's patriots' outfit! it's getting worn out anyway.